Welcome Message
The 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Shoulder Society Welcome Message
Congress President
Yukihiko Hata
Director & Department Chief of Orthopaedic Surgery,
North Alps Medical Center Azumi Hospital, Nagano, Japan
It is my great pleasure to announce that the 46th Annual Meeting of Japan Shoulder Society will be hosted by North Alps Medical Center Azumi Hospital in Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture on October 25th and 26th, 2019.
The Japan Shoulder Society is the world’s oldest academic society to advance the field of shoulder surgery. The history of the organization has been characterized by years of trial-and-error and the groundbreaking work of our predecessors, and we have continued to pave the path to further their legacy through our own research. The Japan Shoulder Society remains one of the leading academic societies in Japan in terms of its high level of expertise and depth of discussion, and we have always disseminated world-class presentations and lectures of the highest quality.
Based on our past and what holds for the future, the phrase 継往開来 “kei-ou-kai-rai” was selected as the theme of this meeting. The idiom roughly translates to “building upon the accomplishments of predecessors in order to open the future.” To be more specific, our conceptual framework for this 2019 Annual Meeting revolves around the following four ideas: inheriting the ingenuity and philosophy of our predecessors, conducting research aimed at clarifying the mechanism of disease, establishing a treatment system that is unique to Japan, and learning from experts outside of our own field of discipline. Through these concepts, we are currently in the process of developing an exciting and enriching program. We will announce new information on this website as it becomes available.
October is in the midst of the prime season for autumn leaves and culinary delights of Shinshu (the traditional name for Nagano). After actively participating in discussion at the academic meeting, please enjoy your stay and experience our refreshing autumn milieu. I look forward to seeing many of you at the meeting.