Call for Abstracts

English session will be planned at the 98th Annual Congress of the Japan Endocrine Society in order to further promote the exchange of our members with those engaged in the endocrine research in international communities. The topics in this session will cover various areas of endocrine research. Those selected are expected to give the presentation in English on the designated date of the Congress.

Applicant Eligibility

Overseas participants are welcome to submit abstracts.
Presenting authors must be JES members except for non-Japanese authors who reside abroad.

Submission Method

You are requested to download the Submission form and send us the completed forms to by e-mail.

Submission Form

Reference: COI Guideline

Deadline for Submission

November 15th (Fri.), 2024
Noon,November 26th (Tue.), 2024(JST)
Noon,December 3rd (Tue.), 2024(JST)
Call for abstracts has been closed.

Selection Method

Abstract Evaluation Committee will make decisions on the acceptance or rejection of abstracts, as well as the presentation format, if an abstract is accepted.

Presentation formats

Oral presentations

Presenters are requested to attend in person and deliver their presentations during the meeting.

Poster presentations

Presenters are requested to attend in person and deliver their presentations during the meeting.


Category Sub-category
01-1 Hypothalamus-pituitary system: Basic
01-2 Hypothalamus-pituitary system: Clinical (1) Posterior pituitary gland
(2) Hyperpituitarism associated with tumors in the hypothalamus-pituitary system
(3) Hypopituitarism
(4) Other
02-1 Thyroid gland: Basic
02-2 Thyroid gland: Clinical (1) Thyroid disfunction
(2) Thyroid tumors
(3) Other
03-1 Diabetes, hypoglycemia: Basic
03-2 Diabetes, hypoglycemia: Clinical (1) Type 1 diabetes
(2) Type 2 diabetes
(3) Insulinoma, hypoglycemia
(4) Other
04-1 Obesity, food intake regulation: Basic
04-2 Obesity, food intake regulation: Clinical
05-1 Bone metabolism, parathyroid: Basic
05-2 Bone metabolism, parathyroid: Clinical (1) Parathyroid disfunction
(2) Osteoporosis, osteomalacia, rickets
(3) Other
06-1 Hypertension, adrenal gland: Basic
06-2 Hypertension, adrenal gland: Clinical (1) Cushing’s syndrome
(2) Primary aldosteronism and related disorders
(3) Pheochromocytma Melanocytoma
(4) Other
07-1 Lipid metabolism, cardiovascular endocrinology: Basic
07-2 Lipid metabolism, cardiovascular endocrinology: Clinical
08-1 Gastrointestinal hepatic-endocrinology and metabolism: Basic
08-2 Gastrointestinal, hepatic-endocrinology and metabolism: Clinical
09-1 Pediatric endocrinology and metabolism: Basic
09-2 Pediatric endocrinology and metabolism: Clinical
10-1 Reproductive endocrinology,gonads, menopause: Basic
10-2 Reproductive endocrinology, gonads,menopause: Clinical
11-1 Hormones and tumors  (including neuroendocrine tumors): Basic
11-2 Hormones and tumors (including neuroendocrine tumors): Clinical
12 Other


The details of the session will be later announced after all the abstracts will be selected. PowerPoint slides as well as oral presentations must be in English.


The 98th Annual Congress of the Japan Endocrine Society
c/o Japan Convention Services, Inc.
1-4-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0013