10th European - Japanese Cerebrovascular Congress10th European - Japanese Cerebrovascular Congress



10th European – Japanese Cerebrovascular Congress(10EJCVC)

Main Topic

New Trends of Cerebrovascular Treatment and the Next step

Purpose of the Congress

The meeting presented an opportunity to gather the latest information on cerebrovascular diseases. The conference also facilitated networking in order to enhance the exchange of clinical and scientific knowledge between researchers and practitioners from different cultures.


13 November (Sun.) -16 (Wed.), 2022


Tetsuya Tsukahara (Kyoto, Japan)


Yasuhiko Kaku (Gifu, Japan)
Luca Regli (Zurich, Switzerland)
Esposito Giuseppe (Zurich, Switzerland)


Shiran Kaikan
Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Japan
add: Yoshida-Konoe-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, JAPAN
tel: +81-75-753-9336 fax: +81-75-753-9457

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