奥山 宏臣(大阪大学小児成育外科)

The 61st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition
We are pleased to announce that the 61st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition will be held at the Osaka International Convention Center on July 25-27, 2024. It is a great honor for us to be in charge of this historic meeting, which is filled with the thoughts of our predecessors. This will be the third meeting of the Osaka University Pediatric Surgery, following the 31st meeting of Akira Okada (July 1994) and the 51st meeting of Katsufumi Wasa (July 2014), and it has been exactly 10 years since the 51st meeting was held.
The theme of this year’s meeting will be ” Getting to The Core of Perioperative Nutritional Management!”
In recent years, the field of surgical metabolic nutrition has been undergoing major changes and progress, with various new treatment strategies and systems being proposed and new drugs being developed one after another. On the other hand, the evidence for those new trends is limitted. In this meeting, we would like to discuss what kind of evidence is needed for better perioperative nutrition management and how to create it, based on the basic and clinical evidence. Through these evidence-based discussions, we hope to get to the core of perioperative nutrition management. Educational sessions on the current topics and a joint session with Korean Society for Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition will be held.
Every year on July 24 and 25, the Tenjin Festival, one of the three major festivals in Japan, is held at the Osaka Temmangu Shrine, not far from the Osaka International Convention Center, where the conference is held. Especially on the night of the main shrine on the 25th, a boat procession is held with many boats passing by on the Okawa River, and a votive fireworks display is held. After the hot discussions during the day, we are sure that you will be able to fully enjoy the summer of Osaka by the riverside at night. We look forward to seeing many of you there.
Hiroomi Okuyama, MD, PhD, Professor
Department of Pediatric Surgery
Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine