Welcome Message from Japan, Hungary and Poland


Co-President of JHPSS
Attila Szijártó, MD, PhD

Attila Szijártó, MD, PhD

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear colleagues, Dear guests,

The origins and roots of Hungarian and Japanese friendship are not exactly known, but they probably go back thousands of years. The basic linguistic patterns of Hungarian and Japanese and other deep-rooted cultural similarities have occupied researchers for decades. One proof of this is, for example, the common interpretation of the Kodály method in music with the same meaning in both nations. Despite the distance, Japan is an attractive place for a Hungarian. I was lucky enough to spend a longer study period in Kyoto, Japan, where I was convinced of the truth of the above. In addition to the wonderful world of Japan, it is also a spiritually exciting place, where I have made decades of friendships. The basis of my trip was the my first meeting of the Japanese-Hungarian Society of Surgery, which I was able to attend in Yokohama. There I admired the mystery of Japan and all the opportunities it can offer a young surgeon.

The Polish-Hungarian friendship is historically famous. The historical solidarity even received a special commemorative day: March 23 is officially the day of Polish-Hungarian friendship in both countries. A statue was erected in Győr to commemorate the friendship. Poles and Hungarians mutually supported each other against current enemies. This friendship lasted for centuries.

The establishment of the Japan-Hungary-Poland-Surgical Society and mutual exchange of ideas is an excellent opportunity for the surgeons of these nations to meet and inspire each other by presenting the results of surgery. Hungarian surgery, despite the globally felt difficulties, is trying to stay at the forefront, which is proven by the work of some centers. This forum also provides opportunity for their presentation. It is a particularly good meeting point for young colleagues, who can get involved in international academic life and can even build their careers through the relationships that develop in this way. It was the same with me at the time.

It is a special honor that Professor József Sándor, after several decades of persistent work, gave me the opportunity to represent the Hungarian part of the tripartite relationship in the position of president. I will try to complete the task with the diligence and perseverance that I saw from my predecessor. It will not be easy, as Professor Sándor did an unrepeatable job in establishing this Society. Thank you again for him.