Welcome Message from Japan, Hungary and Poland
Co-President-Elect of JHPSS
Wojciech Kielan, MD, PhD, FACS
Dear Japanese, Hungarian and Polish Participants!
Colleagues and Friends!!!
I'm very happy that after a break caused by the sudden and unexpected death of Professor Masaki Kitajima and the pandemic of COVID-19, we'll be able to meet together again, surgeons from Japan, Hungary and Poland, at the next Triangle Scientific Meeting in Nagoya.
Nagoya is for the first time the host of this scientific event, and I am very glad that we will have an opportunity to see this beautiful city.
Scientific exchange between surgeons from Poland and Japan was inaugurated in the year 1992. For many years surgeons from both countries were meeting every two years alternatively in Poland and in Japan, exchanging their experience. A similar situation was between surgeons from Hungary and Japan. In the year 2014, thanks to the initiative of Professors Masaki Kitajima, Jozsef Sandor, Grzegorz Wallner, and mine, the Japanese-Hungarian-Polish Surgical Society was established. In 2025 in Nagoya it will be our fifth common meeting, and I hope it will help strenghten our academic friendship and scientific cooperation. I am looking forward to keeping and continuing the tradition of our triangle meetings.
As the President-Elect of Poland JHPSS I would like to invite you to Poland to the future sixth meeting in 2027.
Wojciech Kielan
President-Elect of Poland JHPSS