


International Symposium

International Symposium
Instability ~Is unanatomical procedure indispensable to stabilize shoulder joint?~

Chairs Eiji Itoi Tohoku Rosai Hospital
Teruhisa Mihata Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University

Open Stabilization: The Indications, Technique and Outcomes in 2024

Speaker Frank A. Cordasco Hospital for Special Surgery, Weill Cornell Medical School, Cornell University

Non-anatomic reconstruction of the Glenoid: Is the Latarjet really necessary?

Speaker Sae Hoon Kim Seoul National University Hospital

Arthroscopic Guided Latarjet with Suture-Button Fixation

Speaker Pascal Boileau Institute For Sports and Reconstructive Bone & Joint Surgery

Arthroscopic Iliac Crest Grafting for Severe Glenoid Bone Loss

Speaker Hiroyuki Sugaya Tokyo Sports & Orthopaedic Clinic

Arthroscopic HAGL-repair

Speaker Jörn Kircher ATOS Klinik Fleetinsel Hamburg

Arthroscopic Double-screw Latarjet procedure

Speaker Shinji Imai Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Shiga University of Medical Science

International Symposium
Irreparable RCT 1 ~Is muscle transfer sufficient to rescue pseudoparalysis?~

Chairs Eiji Itoi Tohoku Rosai Hospital
Hiroyuki Sugaya Tokyo Sports & Orthopaedic Clinic

Lower Trapezius Tendon Transfer combined with Superior Capsular Reconstruction: A Cadaveric & Clinical Study Proved Better Biomechanics and Lower Retear Rate in Posterosuperior Massive Rotator Cuff Tears

Speaker In-HO Jeon Asan Medical Center

Lower trapezius transfer

Speaker Jean-David Werthel Hopital Ambroise Paré

Lower trapezius transfer 3(tentative)

Speaker Yang Soo Kim The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul St.Mary’s Hospital

Arthroscopic Superior Capsule Reconstruction Can Reverse Pseudoparalysis in Patients with Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tears

Speaker Teruhisa Mihata Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University

Bridging of Massive Rotator cuff tears with autologeous tendon graft (TEAR-patch)

Speaker Jörn Kircher ATOS Klinik Fleetinsel Hamburg

Clinical outcomes of primary repair for large and massive rotator cuff tears using an all-arthroscopic rotator cuff muscle advancement technique

Speaker Toru Morihara Marutamachi Rehabilitation Clinic

International Symposium
Irreparable RCT 2 ~Does soft-tissue reconstruction rescue anterior tranlation ?~

Chairs Eiji Itoi Tohoku Rosai Hospital
Nobuyasu Ochiai Dept. of Orthopedic Surgery, Chiba University

Biomechanical insight to rescue pseudoparesis

Speaker Jean-David Werthel Hopital Ambroise Paré

Comparative Analysis of Arthroscopic Superior Capsular Reconstruction Using Fascia Lata Grafts with and without Polypropylene Mesh Augmentation: A Comprehensive Review

Speaker In-HO Jeon Asan Medical Center

Arthroscopic Subscapularis Tendon Repair for Large Antero-Superior Rotator Cuff Tears

Speaker Hiroyuki Sugaya Tokyo Sports & Orthopaedic Clinic

Biceps Rerouting ARCR(tentative)

Speaker Yang Soo Kim The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul St.Mary’s Hospital

Arthroscopic superior capsule reconstruction for antero-superior massive rotator cuff tears

Speaker Teruhisa Mihata Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University

Pectoral major and minor transfer for anterosuperior massive rotator cuff tears

Speaker Kotaro Yamakado Fukui General Hospital

International Symposium
RSA 1 ~Is primary RSA superior to osteosynthesis?~

Chairs Hiroyuki Sugaya Tokyo Sports & Orthopaedic Clinic
Kotaro Yamakado Fukui General Hospital

Trends in Shoulder Arthroplasty in Germany 2010 - 2022

Speaker Jörn Kircher ATOS Klinik Fleetinsel Hamburg

RSA for displaced 2-part humeral neck fracture

Speaker Chang-Hyuk Choi Orthopaedic Dept. Catholic University of Daegu Hospital

Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty for acute displaced 3- and 4- part humeral neck fracture and fracture seq.

Speaker Bo Sanderhoff Olsen Copenhagen University, Herlev/Gentofte Hospital, Orthopedic department, Section for shoulder and elbow surgery.

Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty for Proximal Humerus Fractures in the Elderly

Speaker Hiroyasu Ikegami Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Toho University

Type-3 Fracture Sequelae (Surgical Nonunion) : The Shish Kebab Procedure with IM Nail or Reverse

Speaker Pascal Boileau Institute For Sports and Reconstructive Bone & Joint Surgery

RSA for fresh proximal humeral fracture

Speaker Hideyuki Sasanuma Jichi Medical University, Department of Orthopaedics

International Symposium
RSA 2 ~Is current concept of RSA more functional or safer than before?~

Chairs Hirotaka Sano Sendai City Hospital
Noboru Taniguchi Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Kagoshima University

Ideal lateralization of RSA

Speaker Jean-David Werthel Hopital Ambroise Paré

Choice of RTSA design according to patient characteristic

Speaker Sae Hoon Kim Seoul National University Hospital

Lateralized RSA according to body size

Speaker Shinji Imai Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Shiga University of Medical Science

Indication for revision RSA

Speaker Bo Sanderhoff Olsen Copenhagen University, Herlev/Gentofte Hospital, Orthopedic department, Section for shoulder and elbow surgery.

Reverse shoulder arthroplasty as revision surgeries after humeral head replacement or total shoulder arthroplasty

Speaker Hiroyasu Ikegami Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Toho University

Stemless RSA versus stemmed RSA

Speaker Chang-Hyuk Choi Orthopaedic Dept. Catholic University of Daegu Hospital

International Seminar
AI future Exactech

Chairs Hiroyasu Ikegami Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Toho University

Zero-position theory in reverse shoulder installation

Speaker Tomonori Kenmoku Dept. of Orhop. Surg., Kitasato Univ. School of Med.

Practical applications of three-dimensional evaluation in reverse shoulder arthroplasty: aiming for excellent clinical outcomes

Speaker Tomoya Manaka Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Osaka Metropolitan University Graduate School of Medicine

International Seminar
Classic Grammont

Chairs Shinji Imai Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Shiga University of Medical Science

Introduction of Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty and systematic use of registry data improved the results of shoulder arthroplasty in Denmark

Speaker Bo Sanderhoff Olsen Copenhagen University, Herlev/Gentofte Hospital, Orthopedic department, Section for shoulder and elbow surgery.

Bony Increased-Offset Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty with Original Grammont-design

Speaker Satoru Ohta Shinseikai Toyama Hospital Orthopedics

International Seminar
Arthroscopic Latarjet

Chairs Shinji Imai Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Shiga University of Medical Science

Arthroscopic Double-button Bristow-Latarjet Procedure: Minimum 10-Year Follow Up

Speaker Pascal Boileau Institute For Sports and Reconstructive Bone & Joint Surgery

Double-screw Arthroscopic Latarjet procedure

Speaker Shinji Imai Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Shiga University of Medical Science

International Seminar
1st disclocation of shoulder in teenager

Chairs Eiji Itoi Tohoku Rosai Hospital

Arthroscopic Anterior Capsulo-Labral (Bankart) Repair is Best Performed After the First Dislocation but Before the Second Dislocation

Speaker Frank A. Cordasco Hospital for Special Surgery, Weill Cornell Medical School, Cornell University

Diagnosis and Treatment for Teenage Collision Athletes

Speaker Makoto Tanaka Center for Sports Medicine, Osaka International Medical & Science Center

International Seminar
Renovation to Modern In-lay

Chairs Hiroyuki Sugaya Tokyo Sports & Orthopaedic Clinic

Why and How to Perform a BIO-RSA? The value of the RSA Angle

Speaker Pascal Boileau Institute For Sports and Reconstructive Bone & Joint Surgery

Renovation to Modern In-lay: Utilization of Tornier Perform System

Speaker Taku Hatta Joint Surgery, Sports Clinic Ishinomaki

International Seminar
Stemless RSA

Chairs Hiroyasu Ikegami Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Toho University

Lateralization and distalization of Stemless RSA

Speaker Jörn Kircher ATOS Klinik Fleetinsel Hamburg

Stemless RSA as a future perspective

Speaker Chang-Hyuk Choi Orthopaedic Dept. Catholic University of Daegu Hospital

Fellow Session

Fellow Session

Chairs Toru Morihara Marutamachi Rehabilitation Clinic
Speaker Young Min Noh Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Busan Medical Center, Busan, Korea
Jun Gyu Moon Korea University Medical College
Kotaro Yamakado Fukui General Hospital

JSS-APKASS Interactive Session

JSS-APKASS Interactive Session
Bridging JSS and APKASS

Chairs Hiroyuki Sugaya Tokyo Sports & Orthopaedic Clinic
Patrick YUNG The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
Chunyan Jiang Department of Sports Medicine, Beijing Jishuitan Hospital, Beijing

Muscular degeneration of the rotator cuff muscle will not recover even after successful repair

Speaker Noboru Matsumura Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Keio University School of Medicine

Human Dermal Allograft Augmentation in Rotator Cuff Repair; Is There Patch Integration?

Speaker Yong Girl Rhee Myongji Hospital, Korea

Strategy of irreparable rotator cuff tear; Japanese perspective

Speaker Nobuyasu Ochiai Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Chiba University after graduate school of medicine

My treatments Strategy in Massive Cuff Rotator tear

Speaker Bancha Chernchujit Department of Orthopaedic, Thammasat University, Tiland

Augmented autologous fibrin clot with arthroscopic surgery for large to massive rotator cuff tear

Speaker Taku Hatta Joint Surgery, Sports Clinic Ishinomaki

Treatments for the Massive andor Irreparable rotator cuff tears---The Chinese Way

Speaker Xiliang Shang Department of Sports Medicine, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai, China