Welcome Message

Shinji Imai
(Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Shiga University of Medical Science)

On behalf of the Japan Shoulder Society, it is my great honor to announce that the 51th Annual Meeting of the Japan Shoulder Society (JSS) will be held at Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, JAPAN on October 24th and 25th, 2024.

With the longest history as a shoulder society in the world, through various trials and errors, in order to develop the efforts of our predecessors, the JSS have made an academic society with about 2,000 participants, including not only doctors but also physical therapists, occupational therapists, trainers, and other professionals involved in the diagnosis and treatment of the shoulder joint area.

It is a great honor to be able to hold the 51st Annual Meeting under the auspices of Shiga Medical University, and all those involved are earnestly preparing for it. The theme “Cutting Edge Science for Shoulder” simply means “the latest science of the shoulder,” and the outcome of the 51st Annual Meeting expresses our hope of providing and pioneering the latest scientific knowledge on shoulders.

Specifically, we are planning invited lectures, symposiums, panel discussions, etc. based on the three goals of “the latest treatment for shoulder joint diseases that are difficult to treat”, “the latest knowledge of sports medicine that supports sports promotion accompanying the diversification of values”, and “overcoming musculoskeletal diseases and trauma due to the aging of the population”.

Therefore, I would like to ask for your participation so that this conference will be fruitful. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we ask for your understanding of the purpose of this society and your participation. Normally, I would like to ask you to come in person, but I would like to greet you in writing. Lastly, I sincerely wish you all the best for your continued development in the future.


会長 永井 宏和
社会医療法人きつこう会 多根総合病院 整形外科 部長




第51回日本肩関節学会および本研究会のテーマは「Cutting Edge Science for Shoulder」(肩の最新科学)であり、肩に関する最新の科学的知見を提供し、また開拓するという願いが込められています。これまで先人たちが築いてきた豊富な知識、経験をもとに肩関節をどう評価し、どうやって治療していくか一歩踏み込んだ議論をし、日々の診療で困っている部分を少しでも解決できる研究会にしたいと考えております。またコメディカルスタッフと一言に言っても理学療法士、作業療法士、各種トレーナー、看護師など、様々な資格を持った職種が関わっており肩関節の治療に携わる幅広い職種が参加し、満足できる研究会となるようプログラムを企画いたします。

